
All children are allocated to a house. The house system encourages effort, determination and a positive attitude.

Children can earn credits for producing good quality work, for making a tremendous effort, showing terrific manners and thoughtfulness, being helpful and caring.

Each child has a ‘credit card’ where than can record the credits earned.  A line of 10 credits equates to a house pebble. The house pebbles are transferred from class jars to the house jars displayed in the school entrance.

The first credit card to complete is 100 credits – Bronze, then 200 credits – Silver and finally 300 credits – Gold

Year 6 children are selected to be captains of their house. They are positive role models representing their house. They demonstrate the attitude, values and behaviours we expect from our children, ensuring they follow the Rules for All.

Each house has a Head of House, this is a staff member that takes the lead for the house. They co-ordinate house assemblies and motivate engagement.

There are regular House Events. Children are encouraged to represent their House by taking part in these house events.  There is a range of activities, including academic, creative, artistic and sporting. This diversity encourages the possibility for all talents to shine!!